Reception: +61 07 3291 4111 / Email:
Enrolments: +61 07 3291 4111 / Email:
Accounts: +61 07 3291 4106 / Email:
Events: +61 07 3291 4198 / Email:
Online: General enquiry form
Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube
Student absences
Please inform the school of your child's absence, via the Compass App by 9:00am on the day of the absence.
The Compass mobile app provides an easier, more convenient way for parents and guardians to communicate with the school and can be downloaded from Google Play for Android devices or the App Store for iOS devices.

Recording an absence or requesting a leave pass
1. Accessing Your Child's Profile
- Once logged in, click on your child's name displayed on the main dashboard. This will take you to their profile page.
2. Submit an Attendance Note
- On the profile page, locate the 'Attendance' tab or the 'Add Attendance Note/Approval' button.
- Click 'Add Note/Approval' to create a new attendance note.
3. Provide Details
- Select the relevant reason for the absence (e.g., illness, medical appointment, or family reason).
- Specify the date(s) and time(s) of the absence.
- Include any additional information, if necessary.
4. Save and Submit
- Review the details for accuracy.
- Click 'Save' or 'Submit' to finalise the note.
Exemption requests
To inform the school of absences for a
period of more than 10 consecutive days, an
Application for Exemption Form (PDF, 88 KB). Exemption forms must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the requested absence period. Applications will be reviewed and the outcome will be communicated via email.
Missed exams
If your child is absent on the day of an exam, your child will need to follow our Missed Exam process as outlined in our Learning Policy. As outlined in the policy, students who miss an exam must complete and submit the online Missed Exam Form along with appropriate documentation. Please note that documentary evidence will need to be submitted to support an absence, for example, a medical certificate or notice of selection into a national sporting team.
Update student/parent contact details
Parents/guardians should email to advise of any change to student or parent/guardian personal details (including email, address, home phone, mobile or emergency contact details). The email should state the student's name, Year Level and ID number (as it appears on their Student ID Card).
Address and medical information can be managed via the QParents portal.
All staff directory
Our all staff email and contact list (Staff Contact List - Term 1 2025.docx) provides emails and phone numbers to contact all staff. This document is updated as soon as practicable at the start of each school term.
To contact a staff member on this list, please dial ‘3291 4’ then the extension number listed. If you have a general concern regarding your student, please call their Head of Year (HOY) and if the concern is related to a subject, please contact the relevant Head of Department (HOD).
To contact a member of the School Executive Team or Key Personnel, please select the link on the left.
Office hours
Office hours are from Monday to Friday, during school terms only.
| 8:00am to 3:00pm |
| 8:00am to 4:00pm
| 8:00am to 4:00pm
| 8:00am to 4:00pm
| 8:00am to 4:00pm
Please note, on Mondays the B Block Student Services and H Block Reception closes at 3:00pm for staff professional development.
Corner Cordelia and Glenelg Streets
South Brisbane Qld 4101
Brisbane State High Alumni
The Secretary
Brisbane State High Alumni
c/- Brisbane State High School
Corner Cordeila and Glenelg Streets
South Brisbane Qld 4101
Telephone: 0415 140 077
Translating and interpreting service (TIS National)
If you require an interpreter, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450.