The school song was written by Mr Jenks (nicknamed Jumbo Jenks), an art teacher who used to accompany the girls chorus.
In 1931, the musical 'The White Horse Inn' played at His Majesty's Theatre (now known as Her Majesty's). The 'Goodbye to the White Horse Inn' song must have inspired Mr Jenks to write the words—the tune was already there.
Listen to the tune of the school song: Goodbye to the White Horse Inn (MP3, 1.7 MB).

School Song
We sing the High School
the good old High!
The School that’s your School and my School
the dear old Brisbane State High, High!
For the School that we love is the High School.
And we’ll remember
our old High School
as years roll on we’ll remember
and thoughts of pride shall ne’er grow cool
for the Brisbane State High School.
State High, State High,
with might and main we’ll try,
to write your name in a text of flame,
on the scroll of fame.
With pride and joy let every girl and boy
in chorus vie
with a gladsome cry
for the old State High.
Where in classroom working, no one shirking
all must do their share,
in toil for the School that they love;
or in games competing, bravely meeting
loss without despair,
in play for the school that they love.
So here’s to you,
old School so brave and true,
whose name and fame
are the boast and claim of the Blue-Red-Blue.
State High, State High!
Long live the sturdy old State High! (repeat)
School War Cry
Shhhhhhhhh . . .
Wooo . . .
High school, war cry, 1, 2, 3!
High high,
High, high, high,
Oompa oompa
Ya ya ya,
Rik rik rik-a-tik,
High, high, high
Pilly willy wing, ping pong ti groo
High school, high school,
Blue, red, blue!