The Library aims to support teaching and learning both within and outside the classroom. We provide an inclusive and supportive environment for students to learn, explore, communicate, interact and relax.
The Library is focused on developing academic excellence through the provision of a wide range of print and electronic resources to support the curriculum, teaching high level research skills and fostering a lifelong love of learning and reading in our students.
Contact the Teacher Librarian with any questions about the Library's operation.

Opening hours
Our library is open for students Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 4:00pm during the school term.
Student expectations
The Library is a shared space and thus we ask that all users conduct themselves in a manner that does not impact on other patrons.
Wide reading collection
The Library holds multiple fiction collections:
- Both Fiction and Non-fiction books which support the STATE HIGH SHELF reading program
- The Wheelers eBook collection - students can log in via the Library page on StudentNet
- Senior fiction collection
- Manga and graphic novel collection: available for two week loan
- Picture book collection: available for two week loan
- Fast fiction (quick reads): available for two week loan
The Library does not allow long-term loans of fiction titles on textbook lists. These titles should be purchased by students.

Non-fiction / research collection
The Library maintains an up to date and relevant physical non-fiction collection for student research. These are widely used for class assignments and are available for two week loans.
Our eBook collection relevant to research is Gale eBooks - students can log in via the Library page on StudentNet.
Students have 24 hour access to the Library’s video collection via Clickview online.
Watch the tutorial on accessing and using Clickview online. If you do not have access to Clickview online, visit the Library for help.
The Library subscribes to a range of online databases to provide students access to quality, high level academic resources. These are available through the Library page on StudentNet.
Usernames and passwords are available on StudentNet or by contacting the Teacher Librarian.
Databases provide up to date information on current issues as well as research and analysis of a wide range of topics.
The information in databases is not available via a simple Google search as sites are secured with usernames and passwords.
Reference lists and in-text referencing
Brisbane State High School uses the American Psychological Association (APA) style for all referencing.
We subscribe to CiteMaker and encourage all students to utilise this to create their assignment reference lists.
Queensland University of Technology and The University of Queensland provide detailed guides. For advice on referencing issues, visit the Library.
Printing, photocopying and scanning
Full printing, photocopying and scanning services are available in the Library.
Students must have an activated Student Account. Once funds are available in this account, students must transfer money via their Papercut account for printing.
Please ask for assistance if you are unsure how to access or use these services.