
Master plans


Master planning of State High sites

Brisbane State High School has undertaken the process of master planning its four sites located in South Brisbane (3) and Carina (1).

Master plans are tangible and visible statements of what our school sites are now, what they could be in the future and what is required to reach our desired goals for each of the sites.

We have undertaken a consultative process of master planning the Edmondstone, Merivale and Vulture Street sites, as well as the Carina Playing Fields located in Fursden Road, Carina, with input and expertise from staff, parents and professionals in the area of architecture and project management.

The Master Planning Advisory Group for the Edmondstone, Merivale and Vulture Street sites included:

  • Wade Haynes, Executive Principal, Brisbane SHS

  • Christine Collins, General Manager, Brisbane SHS

  • Chad Brown, Senior Architect, ThomsonAdsett

  • David Honeywill, Project Manager, Honeywill Consulting Project Management

The Master Planning Advisory Group for the Carina Playing Fields included:

  • Wade Haynes, Executive Principal, Brisbane SHS

  • Christine Collins, General Manager, Brisbane SHS

  • Matthew Thornton, Staff Representative, Brisbane SHS

  • Chad Brown, Senior Architect, ThomsonAdsett

  • David Honeywill, Project Manager, Honeywill Consulting Project Management

  • Scott Slade, P&C President, Brisbane SHS

  • Cherie Egan, P&C Vice President Fundraising, Brisbane SHS

  • Dene Crocker, Parent Representative, Brisbane SHS

  • Selwyn Faul, Parent Representative, Brisbane SHS

  • Peter Cane, Parent Representative, Brisbane SHS

The design team for the Sports Centre to be located on the Edmondstone Street carpark site included:

  • Wade Haynes, Executive Principal, Brisbane SHS

  • Kim Turner, Executive Manager for the State High Foundation

  • Christine Collins, General Manager, Brisbane SHS

  • Janice Head, Deputy Principal, Brisbane SHS

  • Jo Duffy, HOD Extra-Curricular Activities, Brisbane SHS

  • Chad Brown, Senior Architect, ThomsonAdsett

  • Joss Grundy, Architectural Graduate, ThomsonAdsett

The design team for the A and E Blocks Landscaping Project included:

  • Wade Haynes, Executive Principal, Brisbane SHS

  • Christine Collins, General Manager, Brisbane SHS

  • Ted Maguire, Senior Designer, Blade Landscape Design

  • David Honeywill, Project Manager, Honeywill Consulting Project Management

Substantial work has been undertaken and significant funds invested with feasibility studies, site surveys and hydrologist's reports commissioned and completed for the proposals.  We have engaged the services of ThomsonAdsett Architects who have worked with the school previously in the construction of I Block—our six-story building—as well as other work around the school.  Thomson Adsett have provided us with Master Plans of the school sites—the sites located in South Brisbane, inclusive of a proposed new Sports Centre on the Edmondstone Street site (a State High Foundation project)—and our Fursden Road playing fields site. 

We are fortunate to have the State High Foundation provide support to our school.  The State High Foundation was established to ensure sustained excellence in the educational and extra-curricular programs offered by the school. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors of prominent past students working with the school, independent of the Education Department.  The Foundation supplements school funding through tax-deductible philanthropic support from the school community and private sector for projects that enhance opportunities and support for students.  The Foundation has set itself goals for short- and long-term projects and the completion of the plans for the proposed Edmondstone Street Sports Centre prepares them for the fundraising journey ahead. 

The school has now completed the priority project of the A and E Block landscaping which has been a huge success in enhancing the outdoor spaces for our students and teachers; and we have progressed to applying for Development Approval for the redevelopment of the off-site playing fields at Carina. 

To have our Carina project come to realisation, several steps must be considered with regard to development approval and consultation with our Carina community.  Once these critical areas are signed off, financial assistance will be requested of many entities.  Our school community, our alumni and the three levels of Government will be invited to contribute to create an exciting sporting precinct to be used by the school and wider community.  The school's intent for these two facilities is to have them made available for use by clubs, social groups, and medical professionals.  The level of interest from outside sporting and community groups, as well as the medical professionals, has been encouraging. 

If you would like further information or would like to financially contribute to the project, please contact Amanda Chamberlain, General Manager on (07) 3291 4111 or by email at

We hope the publication of these Master Plans will generate much excitement and interest.

Last reviewed 22 November 2022
Last updated 22 November 2022