Monday Masterclasses offer a range of exciting, learning experiences for students. We offer face-to-face and online learning experiences facilitated by external providers and State High expert practitioners.
View the Term 4, 2024 Program Offerings (PDF, 435 KB).

How to register
To register your child in a face-to-face masterclass, parents/guardians will need to complete the online registration form. Some face-to-face masterclasses reach capacity quickly. Placements will be given on a ‘first in’ basis in order of registration.
Certain programs depend on minimum numbers for viability and some masterclasses include a fee. Parents and students will receive confirmation of their placement in the masterclass via email.
Registration and payment options are as follows:
Program: View the Monday Masterclass Program for this term.
Register: Complete the online registration form. If you are registering siblings, please complete a separate form for each student.
Payment: If payment is required for the masterclass your child has been registered for, this will be outlined in the registration confirmation email and an invoice will be sent. Please pay immediately upon receipt of the invoice for the masterclass to secure your spot.
Payment options are as follows:
- BPoint: Click on the BPoint link at the bottom of the emailed invoice
- QParents: Pay via the QParents app or online at
- In Person: Pay at the B Block Finance Counter
Masterclass Refunds: In the event that a refund is required, please refer to the school’s Refund Policy (PDF, 172 KB) available on our website.
If you have any questions in relation to the Monday Masterclasses program, please email