Sport is a valued part of Brisbane State High School and all students are strongly encouraged to become involved.
The activities usually take place after school or on Saturdays. We expect that players are committed to the school, and school sporting commitments should take precedence over any other competition.
Please refer to the Extra-Curricular page on our website for key information, including compulsory registration and consent for girls and boys sporting activities.
Age groups
Boys' age groups are determined by their age on 1 January of the school year. No student is eligible to take part at any time in the year of their 19th birthday or if they have turned 19 before the year of competition.
Boys' age groups are determined by the age they turn during the year. Many of The Great Public Schools' Association of Queensland Inc (GPS) sports are conducted in year levels.
Girls' age groups are determined by the age they turn during the year. Many of the Queensland Girls' Secondary Schools Sports Association (QGSSSA) sports are conducted in year levels.
Volunteer as a coach
One of the great features of State High is that we welcome parents and past students to assist with volunteer coaching. As previously mentioned, all coaches require a Working with Children check (Blue Card), organised through the Master in Charge (MIC) of that activity. Parents of current students do not require a Blue Card.
Due to the number of teams playing each week, it is impossible to have all teams covered by teacher coaches. Any assistance that parents or past students can offer in coaching or managing teams, scoring, officiating or working in the canteen is greatly appreciated.
Interhouse competitions
There are three school interhouse competitions held each year:
- swimming
- cross country
- athletics
Dates and locations are sent out in the school newsletter closer to the event.
Sporting affiliations
Brisbane State High School is a member of:
Brisbane State High has a comprehensive list of sports in which students can participate. All competition is scheduled by the governing bodies and is published on the website as soon as it available. Training occurs outside school hours, usually before and/or after school and sometimes on weekends. Competitions are also scheduled on weekends or after school hours on weekdays. The available activities are explained in more detail on the individual pages.
Online registration for extra-curricular activities opens at the start of the school year.
Fursden Road Playing Fields map
For games at Fursden Road Playing Fields, please refer to the map below. The map is also available to download - Fursden Road Playing Fields Map (PDF, 518KB).